Thursday, November 29, 2007

Does habit equal addiction?

This article talks about the Siamese twins called Habit and Addiction, their similarity and how one should tackle them...

The oxford dictionary defines habit as a settled or regular tendency or practice or alternatively an addiction to drugs. Ok that was what the books told us, but lets see what I understood of the word habit, Habit is word or tendency such that when I remove the starting letter from it (i.e. H), I still have a-bit, if I remove the next letter (i.e. A), I am still left with bit, when I remove the next letter from that, I am left with it, I still keeping having it, now in my desperate attempt I remove the next letter from that (i.e. I), I am still left with T, i.e. tea or coffee whatever you prefer. So habit is one such word so well defined in the English literature that it doesn't make you feel like an addict nor does it sound insulting, an extremely polite way of saying, Yes, I am addicted to something.

Many people, including my clients keep asking me, How can I differentiate between a habit and an addiction? Well the answer is very simple, you can't, and you just can't differentiate between a habit and an addiction. They both mean exactly the same. Socially or rather politically, the word habit is considered to be more polite than the word addiction. In most cases, if not in all, habits are formed unknowingly and people involuntarily get habituated. Now why did I say that? Well in most cases you never understand your body and why is it demanding something. You just do it because your body demands it.

Accepting that you are addicted is the only way to conquering your fears. You need to realize, not assume, what you are habituated to. Getting rid of an addiction or a habit starts from knowing your body, understanding its needs. Bringing discipline in your life, is a more practical way to word it. You need to know that your body is not like any other machine that processes your food, but is way much more complex. You need to balance your sleep hours, eating habits, and recreation timings.

Loosing your addiction or habits is only half success, but maintaining it for life is your final success. So once you have won yourself against addiction, it is very important to maintain this victory. The key element that would keep you going on in this battle is that fact that you love yourself and you love your life. Boys like their toys and girls like their boys, a phrase that displays relation betweens the oddest of elements. Raising the bar is a very good thing, as humans are competitive but one must know when and where the word enough, in their line of life. You may not be the best but you are not bad either.

So, let me end this one here by saying, be in control of yourself and your life. They just give you one life, so don't let any habit manipulate it cause this is one place you never get a second chance.

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Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Domain monetization

Welcome to the world of monetization, the a prime community of online real estate. Back in the early 90s a man named Rick Schwartz saw the future of domain names; Domain monetization as we call it now. Rick that time bought many generic domain names like, and a whole bunch of adult domain names. is no longer rick's property but he sold that prime name for $1.3 Million, he also sold to Stanley Kaplan test preparation company for about $100 thousand. Although rick sold few of his generic domain names he still owns a good lot of them. And that just one of them now you cannot forget Frank Schilling, Sahar Sharid and many more...

So, how is the market now? and what do you do if you lost a chance on grabbing one of those prime real estate. Well in real life one would simply buy some real estate near those prime property and that exactly happened in the cyber world too. People started buying typos of domain names that were either generic or famous brands. It there exist a then someone bought a buy getting inspired by that. Mind it, its a good strategy but not a successful one always. There is a good chance that the typo you own may not be the best that exist for that particular domain and hence its value might be less than few others. It is really hard to calculate the probability of how successful a typo domain name would be, but you could use this tool at SEOChat to generate domain typos. This lead to a new generation of pseudo domainers called typo squatters. One can get lucky with a good domain typo but there are times you can be sued for trademark violation.

Is this opportunity just for individuals? Well I would say no!! Back in the early days people in the Registry (i.e the DOTcom registry)also understood what they are gonna loose, so they tried to cap the losses by proposing the Wait List Service (WLS). The whole idea of WLS was, there would be a wait list for a particular domain name. If a person wanted a domain name he could pre order it. If that domain name has to expire then he would be the next rightful contender of that domain name. This was proposed for the DOTcom and DOTnet top level domains (tlds). But the deal never went through. The DOTtv registry is another example of the registry making profit out of domain names. The DOTtv registry has marked some domains are their premium set of domain names, no one can register them but a person can only rent them for a tenure of one year. The domain renting rate for each domain is calculated on its value in the industry and changes very dynamically.

We have covered premium domain names and also typo squatting, getting further in depth lets discuss how Registrars make money off domain monetization. In a particular domain cycle (this example image is specific to that provider) there are various stages when a registrar could monetize domains he has such as:
Domains that are newly registered
Often when you register a domain name you do not point that domain to your actual hosting provider for one reason or the other (may it be testing, or you don't have hosting as of yet). What a registrar could do is give a set of nameserver records and volla!! he is monetizing your domain traffic by simply giving you a "coming soon" page filled with ads. A good example of this would be this screen cap

Domains that have expired
When a domain name expires the registrar gets 45 days of grace if he chooses to keep this domain or get a refund for it. From the 45 days given to them they give about 15 to 20 days to the registrant of the domain name for them to register it. Once the 20 day period is over the registrar parks the domain name (in few cases from the start of the 20 day period). This is a good source of quick pocket money for the registrar. Another smart move would be to keep the domain to themselves if it makes them a good sum while they have parked this concept is called as smart parking.

Page not found | 404 error
Another way to make money from domains that are registered are to monetize their 404 error pages (in few cases all error). They display a very smart looking "page not found" error with rest of the page filled with ads. This generally is not done in paid hosting, it is more seen in free hosting where companies offer free hosting but use methods like these to make money on the side.

By now the Registry also knows the money involved here, what they do is a even bigger step, they wild card an entire tld. If you havent registered a particular domain name eg. the tld is so configured that it will show you a generic parked page and monetize the traffic on that domain name. Check out this example below

All said and done domain monetization is a pot full of going coins or hug bunch of green Benjamin Franklins or which ever currency you follow but not the end of the purpose of the internet. I will leave this article here and continue this topic in another article.

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Friday, November 16, 2007

SEO with different server-side languages

This article sheds light on an important aspect of SEO, i.e clean URLs. How would you achieve clean URLs in few commonly used server-side languages like JSP, PHP, Ruby on Rails.

Let me start off with clean URLs; Dynamic websites use server-side languages to process visitor inputs and display results generated at real time. Often you might see the address bar of most of your famous web browsers growing really long. I tried to search something on Google and I got a long URL on my address bar.

So what are all these weird words?
My techie brothers by now might have already guessed that these are parameters a page passes to the server to dynamically generate the next page you are navigating to. So if you lost then check this for a little intel on server-side coding. Search engines find it hard to index these pages that are dynamically generated. They love static pages, for example

So lets quickly learn on how we could clean these URLs
You could use the POST method instead of GET, this would clean the URL; But the problem is that it would completely clean the URL... hahah for example would simple direct you to
no parameters at all, but then the state of that page would be lost and just the default results.php page would be indexed.
You could use URL rewriting, this would be the best solution as it would still preserve the state of that page and index it. For example,
can be modified as
by using Apache's mod-rewrite.

So now we have modified the URLs, (I haven't explained how to do URL rewriting in detail as there a zillion tutorials on the net plus the official Apache tutorials) whats next?

Which Server-side language is the best for this?
You should consider the fact that the older a language is the harder it is to have clean URLs there. So lets compare
JSP - Advance configuration
ASP - Advance configuration
PHP - Intermediate configuration or the .net frame work - Rather simple
Ruby on Rails - No configuration already done by the system

What about Windows or Linux (*nux) servers?
As configurations depends on server flavors, it is a different procedure on a Windows Box as compared to a Linux Box rather it is different on a IIS server as compared to Apache server or any other choice. According to the tests I can confirm that it is much easier on a Apache
server as compared to an IIS server.

Few links to help you configure your server for URL rewrite
On IIS try (commercial/paid)
On Apache try the mod-rewrite (Open source/FREE)
On Websphere try

In the end of the day, it you and your application; For the love of coding... keep the cyber world clean and green!!!

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